Sunday, February 28, 2010


So i just checked over my paper to see that everything can be as good as it gets.
im pretty proud of it(:

here are some random facts like interested me-
*self injury when frustrated
*deformities such as the eyes and feet
*how it happens
*what chromosome it is on
*females get it more
*some actually die from it
*their IQs alot of the time are around 20
*they have support groups
*there are many therapies for them

and of course the famous
'Cat cry'

A support system.

Here is a website that has a support system for a little boy named Harvey that has Cri-du-Chat syndrome-
it has his mother insite on how she felt etc.
-there are pictures as well..


G-banded karyotype [46,XX,del(5)(p13)].

G-banded karyotype [46,XX,del(5)(p13)].

G-banded karyotype [46,XX,del(5)(p13)].

G-banded karyotype [46,XX,del(5)(p13)].

G-banded karyotype of a carrier father [46,XY,t(5...

G-banded karyotype of a carrier father [46,XY,t(5;17)(p13.3;p13)].

Saturday, February 27, 2010


i found out who discovered cat cry syndrome, Jerome Lejeune, he also discovered down syndrome.
he must of done alot of studying and research lol.

i wonder if it is easy to identify the cat sound from an infant;
this kind of scares me for my child, sounds kind of mean??
but i think you understand.


Friday, February 26, 2010


So i was thinking today in class about cat cry syndrome. anddd, i kind of thought about how they feel. I wonder if it bothers them or if people bother them much. you knoww? i wonder if they are happy with their lives or if they notice they are unique.

but i hope they feel just fine with their lives cuz everyone deserves to have a good life.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

So this is what I got out of it about two days ago...

1-it is a sydrome that is caused by the deletion of chormosome 5.
A.) Cases vary on how severe it can be, the more deletion the more severe.
B.) There are mullltiple names for Cri-Du-Chat such as the common name Cat Cry syndrome.
2-Something commonly known to people is that the earliest symptom is the cry from an infant sounding like a cats meow. (Isn't that interesting. lol)
3-I have found over 30 symptoms to this syndrome, some are characteristics that can help you point them out such as wide set eyes and small chin. Others are the cat like cry. And some are just sad :(;;they bite themselves and hit their heads on hard objects. They can't help it, and its horrible =/
4-There are no certain geographies that start this symptom, as a matter of fact thing syndrome happens after the egg and sperm meet and fertilize.
5-1 in 20000-50000 children get it!
6-The male passes this on more than females p: but hey no one can stop it.
7-There is treatments that help them develop better motor skills etc

sooo yah that is what I kno so far, ill get back to you guys with more info.! (:


The start of it all(:

So I decided with the help of my friend Alicia, that I am studying the syndrome Cri-du-chat aka cat cry syndrome. I started my research a few days ago and I realized it is a very interesting topic. I can really get into it, but at the same time it is a very tragic syndrome to have. The more I get into it the better I understand it and the people who have it. We will see what I find out in a matter of time(: